168澳洲 :最好的欧洲留学国家有哪些

博超 2023-11-24 阅读:3231 评论:0
  欧洲是一个充满了独特魅来自力的地方,丰富多彩的文化和悠久的历史使其带上了神秘的色彩,也成为很多等留学生理想的留学目的地欧洲留学。那么在广袤的欧洲大陆上,哪些国家是最好的留学地点呢?下面和一起来看看吧。   If you w...


  If you want to study in Europe, destinat对怕太于绿联叫ions such as the United Kingdom, Germany and France might be the first that come to mind, but ther太角异的月住e are many other E笑政裂补之纪上体死第树uropean study destinations well worth considerin第研厚教g. All of the following countries feature in the to360问答p 50 of the new QS Higher Education 套问承System Strength Rankings, which 款已将compares the world’s strong色跟限和到金数团观练注est higher education systems. With no fewer than 21 of these 50 places claimed by European entrants (22 if you count Turkey), here are just 杆木德状况准a few of the region’s top study destinations – combining solid highe价化条三穿更能普岩r education systems, exciting study abr度那律oad experiences, unique culture and great universities.


  1. Sweden

  Starting our jou常统否很衣染向款着能情rney in Scandin都害难avia, Sweden i液满前植毛卷副沙客员铁s a diverse, frie么台ndly and fair na宪北复半举存tion, which has been considered one of the most advanced countries in the world for gender equality, wealth and LGBT progressiveness. It’s also known for its high quality of life, with excellent sustainability credentials protecting its vast Northern European natural beauty, as well as good safety and cleanliness. Sweden is the highest-ranked Nordic entry in the QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings, coming at 14th place. Not only does the country have a strong higher education system, but teaching at Swedish universities is known for encouraging students to apply their knowledge and think critically, independently and creatively. Swedish universities are among the most respected in Europe, with eight featuring in the QS World University Rankings® 2015/16 – of these, the highest-ranked is Lund University in joint 70th place.-欧洲留学



  2. Italy

  Next in our list of the best places to study abroad in Europe is Italy, ranked 13th in the System Strength Rankings. Known for its rich history in general, Italy is also home to some of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities, with 26 representatives in the QS World University Rankings, of which Politecnico di Milano ranks the highest at 187th. International students who choose Italy as their study destination will get to enjoy a rich cultural experience of both the old and new, with a vibrant social life, picturesque cities and landscapes, as well as a fascinating heritage – this is a country which excels in inventions, innovations and creativity, not to mention fantastic cuisine.-欧洲留学



  3. Austria

  Austria ranks 29th in the System Strength Rankings and is another great option if you want to study in Europe, known for its innovation in music and the arts. Located in the center of Europe, Austria is also a great choice for students interested in visiting neighboring countries such as Germany or Switzerland. Ski fans will feel right at home in alpine city Innsbruck, while capital city Vienna is known for its attractive architecture, high quality of life, and extensive cultural offerings. Of the seven top universities in Austria, the University of Vienna, the oldest in the German-speaking world, ranks the highest at 153rd. Austria has a broad range of educational opportunities, including Fachhochschulen (Universities of Applied Sciences) and a range of universities of the arts.-欧洲留学



  4. Belgium

  The next of the best places to study abroad in Europe, Belgium’s unique higher education system earns it 15th place in the System Strength Rankings, with two main language communities – Flemish and French (German is also an official language, and you may find you pick up a new language during your studies). However, it’s a great option if you want to study in English, with many English-taught programs and residents proficient in the language. Belgium offers a multicultural study abroad experience with thriving student cities, beautiful countryside, historic architecture and delectable food. A center of international politics, its universities are equally international in their outlook; among them, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) is the highest-ranked Belgian university at joint 82nd in the world.-欧洲留学



  5. Estonia

  Another option to consider if you want to study in Europe, Estonia ranks 49th in the System Strength Rankings and is a leader in digital technologies, with more successful start-ups per head than any other European country, including Skype and TransferWise. Study in Estonia and you’ll have a unique experience in the country that’s digitalized everything from health to parking (and more) along with opportunities to explore outside the tech bubble in its attractive cities and layout. Estonia’s innovative attitude is encouraged in students, with initiatives in place to help students transform ideas into reality. The highest-ranked of Estonia’s universities is the University of Tartu, at 400th in the world.-欧洲留学



  6. Poland

  The next of our best places to study abroad in Europe, Poland is ranked 43rd in the System Strength Rankings and can be said to act as a crossroads of eastern and western Europe both culturally and geographically, making it a fascinating place to study abroad. Poland has had a fairly turbulent history but now enjoys strong economic growth and a growing education sector, including an increasing number of international students. It has a long tradition in higher education, with Jagiellonian University dating back to 1364, and the highest-ranked Polish university is the University of Warsaw at 344th in the world. Poland offers a range of locations and activities to suit fans of both the city and the countryside, from the fascinating history of cities such as capital Warsaw, to the Tatra Mountains and beaches on the Baltic Sea.-欧洲留学



  7. Czech Republic

  Staying in Eastern Europe, the Czech Republic is another emerging study destination, and is placed 38th in the System Strength Rankings. The Czech Republic has a longstanding tradition for high quality education, particularly in the sciences, engineering and medicine; its highest ranked university, Charles University, was founded in 1348. Czech universities are increasing both their international cooperation with other universities and the number of English-language taught programs on offer. The country itself offers plenty of varied culture to immerse yourself in, and capital Prague, is considered one of the most beautiful and charming cities in Europe. The Czech Republic is also one of the most affordable European study destinations, with low tuition fees and affordable costs of living.-欧洲留学



  8. Portugal

  The next of our best places to study in Europe is one which will certainly make your friends jealous. Not just an ideal tourist destination with sunshine, warmth and sandy beaches, Portugal is placed 35th in the System Strength Rankings and is home to a number of prestigious universities, the highest ranked of which is the University of Porto at 308th globally. Universities in Portugal are accompanied by polytechnic institutes, which are more focused on practical and vocational teaching in areas such as nursing and engineering. Capital city Lisbon is known for having a tradition for the social sciences and engineering, and is rich in culture, history and character. Portuguese people match the weather with a warm attitude to visitors and they certainly know how to have fun – with vibrant festivals, music, great nightlife, sport and more.-欧洲留学



  9. Finland

  Coming as quite a contrast to the warm climes of Portugal, Nordic nation Finland places 19th in the System Strength Rankings and has a comparatively young higher education system, which is nonetheless regarded as one of the best in the world. Like many other European countries, Finland offers a mixture of more academically focused universities and vocationally oriented polytechnic institutions, and there are opportunities to study in English. The highest-ranked Finnish university is the University of Helsinki in joint 96th place, and the country’s additional eight representatives in the World University Rankings are all within the global top 450. Study in Finland and you’ll get the chance to discover the country’s unique culture and stunning natural beauty, with those snowy hills and the captivating Northern Lights. The country boasts a very high quality of life, political stability and happy, friendly citizens.-欧洲留学

9、芬兰   与葡萄牙温暖宜人的气候相反欧洲留学。北欧国家芬兰在QS高等教育系统实力排名中,排名第19位,并且拥有相对年轻的高等教育体系,尽管如此,芬兰却依然是世界上最好的留学国家之一。与很多其他的欧洲国家一样,芬兰提供更加强调学术的大学和职业方向的理工学院的混合教育,并且提供众多的教育机会。芬兰排名最高的学校赫尔辛基大学,在QS世界大学排名中位于第96位。在芬兰留学,你可以发现这个国家独特的文化以及优越惊人的自然景观、享受高质量的留学生活、稳定的政治以及友好幸福的人们。-欧洲留学





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